Database: Identifiers of Designated Islamic Terrorist Organizations
Liwa Fatyan Bani Hashim
Not yet designated terrorist by a Western country Base of operations: Iraq
Liwa Fatyan Bani Hashim (The Young Men of Bani Hashim Brigade) is a Shi'a militia operating in Iraq and led by one Hamid al-'Araji. The militia defines itself as part of the "Hashd Sha'abi Committee" (Popular Mobilization Committee) collection of Shi'a militias that includes other factions like Kata'ib Jund al-Imam. One post on the militia's Facebook page suggests ideological affinity with Ayatollah Sistani as "leader of the mujahideen of the Hashd Sha'abi", and the group's own imagery suggests an Iraq-loyal orientation. It should also be noted that the group has liaised/met with other factions such as Hezbollah al-Tha'irun and the Abu al-Fadl al-Abbas Forces.
Liwa Fatyan Bani Hashim Emblem |
Liwa Fatyan Bani Hashim Flag |
Liwa Fatyan Bani Hashim Graphic |
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