Database: Identifiers of Designated Islamic Terrorist Organizations
Kata'ib al-Imam al-Gha'ib
Not yet designated terrorist by a Western country Base of operations: Iraq
Kata'ib al-Imam al-Gha'ib ('The Absent Imam Battalions', with 'al-Imam al-Gha'ib' referring to Imam Mehdi in Shi'a Islam) is a Shi'a militia operating in Iraq. Like 'Hezbollah the Mujahideen in Iraq' et al., it identifies as a 'Hezbollah' brand, using the group's imagery in some of its symbols, and members have been seen holding a portrait of Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei. The exact relationship with the more well-known Iranian proxy Kata'ib Hezbollah is unclear. According to one Kata'ib al-Imam al-Gha'ib source, there was a link between Kata'ib al-Imam al-Gha'ib and "[Kata'ib] Hezbollah" but as of January 2015 has now become an independent group. The most notable claimed areas of operation have been Fallujah and Samarra. The leader is one "Abu Dhir al-Fiqar."
Kata'ib al-Imam al-Gha'ib Billboard |
Kata'ib al-Imam al-Gha'ib Emblem and Flag |
Kata'ib al-Imam al-Gha'ib Graffiti |
Kata'ib al-Imam al-Gha'ib Graphic |
Kata'ib al-Imam al-Gha'ib Insignia |
Kata'ib al-Imam al-Gha'ib Insignia |
Kata'ib al-Imam al-Gha'ib Training Camp |
Kata'ib al-Imam al-Gha'ib: Special Forces |