Database: Identifiers of Designated Islamic Terrorist Organizations
Kata'ib al-Sabirun
Not yet designated terrorist by a Western country Base of operations: Iraq, Syria
Kata'ib al-Sabirun ('The Battalions of Those who Endure') is an Iraqi Shi'i militia that primarily seems to focus its efforts on fighting in Syria. Using the moniker al-Muqawama al-Islamiya (The Islamic Resistance), the militia displays an ideological affinity with Iran. Like other Iraqi militias with a strong Syria focus (e.g. Harakat al-Nujaba'), the direction of the group's efforts may point to a lack of relevance on the Iraqi theatre of action.
Kata'ib al-Sabirun Emblem |
Kata'ib al-Sabirun Martyrdom Graphic |
Kata'ib al-Sabirun: New Emblem |
Kata'ib al-Sabirun: Recruitment for Syria |