Database: Identifiers of Designated Islamic Terrorist Organizations
Quwat al-Kadhimain al-Qitaliya
Not yet designated terrorist by a Western country Base of operations: Iraq
Quwat al-Kadhimeen al-Qitaliya (al-Kadhimain Fighting Force) is a Shi'a militia officially affiliated with the Kadhimain holy shrine in Baghdad. In this regard, it is similar to other 'shrine-affiliated' militias like the al-Abbas Fighting Division. The formation was announced on June 2, 2015, officially in honour of the anniversary of Ayatollah Sistani's fatwa for mobilization to defend Iraq and in light of the great challenges still facing Iraq. The main declared area of operation since the formation of this militia has been Amiriya al-Fallujah in Anbar.
Quwat al-Kadhimain al-Qitaliya Emblem |
Quwat al-Kadhimain al-Qitaliya Flag |
Quwat al-Kadhimain al-Qitaliya Poster |