Jihad Intel: Vital Intelligence on Designated Islamic Terrorist Organizations

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Database: Identifiers of Designated Islamic Terrorist Organizations


Designated as terrorist by: Australia, Canada, European Union, United Kingdom, United Nations, United States

Base of operations: Pakistan

Background: National Counterterrorism Center
Background: Council on Foreign Relations

Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT; "Army of the Righteous"), a terrorist group suspected of being closely tied to Pakistani intelligence, focuses on expelling India from Kashmir. Formed as the military wing of Markaz-ud-Dawa-wal-Irshad, a fundamentalist organization involved in the anti-Soviet jihad, its broader ambition is to bring Islamic rule to the entire Indian subcontinent. LeT is responsible for numerous attacks on Indian soil, but since Pakistan formally banned the group in 2002, it has been reluctant to claim credit for its terrorist handiwork. This includes the 2006 bombings of commuter trains in Mumbai and the coordinated, four-day assault on that city in 2008. Underlining LeT's international reach, U.S. citizen David Headley (born Daood Gilani) pleaded guilty to scouting targets for the 2008 attack. In 2003, federal authorities broke up a Lashkar-e-Taiba cell in Virginia. LeT's political front is Jamaat-ud-Dawa.

Jamaat-ud-Dawa Emblem
Jamaat-ud-Dawa Flag
Lashkar-e-Taiba Emblem
Lashkar-e-Taiba: Jamaat-ud-Dawa
Lashkar-e-Taiba: Jamaat-ud-Dawa Parade in Pakistan

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