Designated as terrorist by: Australia, Canada, European Union, United Kingdom, United Nations, United States
The Islamic State, previously known as the Islamic in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)/the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) and previously known as the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) and al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), is a terrorist group that emerged in the wake of the U.S.-led war against Saddam Hussein. Originally helmed by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, it targeted civilians and battled coalition forces, killing many U.S. soldiers, before suffering reverses due to the 2007 troop surge and indigenous resistance. In the aftermath of Zarqawi's death in October 2006, AQI, then operating a Majlis Shura al-Mujahideen front group, merged with other jihadi groups in Iraq to form ISI. After the U.S. withdrawal, ISI returned to prominence with a new wave of bombings and attacks. In 2013, its leader announced that the group had expanded its operations to the Syrian theater, where it fights both the regime of Bashar al-Assad and less radical opposition movements; it changed its name at that time. ISIL seized large swaths of territory across Iraq in a 2014 offensive, most notably spearheading insurgent offensives into Mosul and Tikrit. On June 29, 2014, ISIL announced itself to be the Caliphate/Islamic State, the first such declaration since the end of the Ottoman Empire. Underlining ISIL's threat to America, two AQI-affiliated jihadists admitted to the U.S. as refugees were arrested in Kentucky in 2011 and later convicted on terrorism charges.
Al-Fawaris Media |
Al-Platform Media |
Al-Platform Media: Al-Zora Media |
Ansar al-Sharia Gaza/Bait al-Maqdis |
Black Flag of Jihad (Sacred Seal Version) |
De Basis Emblem |
Islamic State Ajnad Media Emblem |
Islamic State Billboard in Syria |
Islamic State Billboard: Hasakah Province |
Islamic State Emblem |
Islamic State Flag |
Islamic State Twitter |
Islamic State Twitter |
Islamic State: "Caliphate News" |
Islamic State: "Caliphate" |
Islamic State: "City Charter" |
Islamic State: "Emirate of Kairouan" |
Islamic State: "Palestinian Support" |
Islamic State: "Raqqa in the Shadow of the Caliphate" |
Islamic State: "Remaining" |
Islamic State: "Sinai Province" |
Islamic State: Africa Media |
Islamic State: Al-Battar Media |
Islamic State: al-Furat Press |
Islamic State: Al-Furqan Media |
Islamic State: al-Ghuraba Media |
Islamic State: Al-Hayat Media "Mujatweets" |
Islamic State: Al-Hayat Media Recruiting Video |
Islamic State: Al-Ibaa Media |
Islamic State: Al-Itisam Media |
Islamic State: Al-Khansaa Media Brigade |
Islamic State: Al-Sham Media |
Islamic State: Al-Wagha Media |
Islamic State: Aleppo Province News |
Islamic State: Amaq News |
Islamic State: Anbar Province News |
Islamic State: Ansar al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi Gaza |
Islamic State: Bayan Radio |
Islamic State: Caliph Ibrahim (Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi) Graffiti |
Islamic State: Caliph Ibrahim- Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi |
Islamic State: Caliphate Media |
Islamic State: Caucasus Province |
Islamic State: Children |
Islamic State: Constantinople Magazine |
Islamic State: Cyrenaica Province |
Islamic State: Dabiq Magazine |
Islamic State: Damascus Province |
Islamic State: Dawa al-Haq News Agency |
Islamic State: Deir az-Zor Province News |
Islamic State: Diyala Province News |
Islamic State: Epic Battle Division (Al-Battar Media) |
Islamic State: Euphrates Province News |
Islamic State: Fresh Air Media |
Islamic State: Gazan contingent |
Islamic State: Hama Province |
Islamic State: Hasakah Province News |
Islamic State: Homs Province |
Islamic State: Ibn al-Azad |
Islamic State: Indonesian Support |
Islamic State: Islamic State Magazine |
Islamic State: |
Islamic State: Jamaat Ansar al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi Bayt al-Maqdis |
Islamic State: Katiba al-Bittar al-Libi |
Islamic State: Khorasan Province |
Islamic State: Libya Provinces |
Islamic State: Media Front for Support |
Islamic State: Najd Province |
Islamic State: Nashir |
Islamic State: North Baghdad Province |
Islamic State: Path to Heaven Media |
Islamic State: Pro-Caliphate Pamphlets |
Islamic State: Raqqa Islamic News Network |
Islamic State: Raqqa Media Center |
Islamic State: Raqqa Province News |
Islamic State: Rumiyah Magazine |
Islamic State: Sanaa Province |
Islamic State: Shabwa Province |
Islamic State: Sham al-Melahem Media |
Islamic State: Shami Support |
Islamic State: Sheikh Omar Hadid Brigade |
Islamic State: South Province (Iraq) News |
Islamic State: Tel Abyad Media Center |
Islamic State: Tripoli Province |
Islamic State: Tunisia Province |
Islamic State: West Africa Province |
Islamic State: Workshop of the Knights of Publication |
Islamic State: World Under Islam Graphic |
Islamic State: Yemen Province |
Islamic State: Yemeni Support Foundation |
Land of Islam- Sacred Seal Version |
Lions of the Caliphate Emblem |
Pro-Islamic State Barbecue in Cardiff, UK |
Shumukh al-Islam Forum |
Shumukh al-Islam Forum Graphic |
Sout us-Salam |
Tanẓim Ansar al-Tawheed fi Bilad al-Hind: Isabah Media |